Online estimate
Application for online evaluation
Since 2014, P.M. Tretyakov IARE conducts Official Evaluation of Artworks in accordance with regulations of evaluation activity in Russian Federation. We developed two options of estimation service for convenience of our clients.
- If you need to know an expected price of an artwork, you can use the form below for online evaluation. We will send you the results of the evaluation in a week via email. The service cost is 600 Russian roubles.
- If you need an official certificate, needed both for insurance and for notarial procedures, you can order complete analysis of potential market cost of an artwork. You can contact us any way you prefer (all coordinates for contact are given on the Contacts page). Cost of the service depends on the complexity of the order and starts from 5000 Russian roubles.
Both services are paid.
Обращаем Ваше внимание, что оценка икон без указания датировки не производится
The price of online estimation of a single artwork is 600 roubles.
Government does not license evaluation of the artworks on the territory of Russian Federation, however an evaluator must have a number of documents, which proves his competence, to provide juridical reliability for insurance companies and notarial organizations.
* Also you can download payment form of Sberbank: Payment form
*After ordering cost evaluation, you need agree with next policy: Policy of providing evaluation services